Copywriter + Social Media Expert
ChickenRing_12Ring_Sparkle (2).gif

White Castle Shopping Network


Social Media Manager

White Castle’s unique chicken offering, the Chicken Ring, was front-and-center at the Facebook Live White Castle Shopping Channel event in 2018. This 42 minute, 100% completely improvised Facebook Live had everything you want in a shopping network show - two hilarious hosts, questions from users on Facebook, and Chicken Ring Earring giveaways. Yes, you read that right. We created 50 custom Chicken Ring Earrings and gave them out to users who interacted with us live. The Facebook event ended up garnering over 400k viewers and 5k live interactions.



White Castle's Chicken Rings Double as Must-Have Accessories in Improv Stunt

In the world of improvised content, there are some gold standards. Will Ferrell and Molly Shannon come to mind, yet their schticks for the Rose Parade and Royal Wedding weren't necessarily brand-focused. Attempting to create live improv for a brand is an entirely different proposition.